I have been working on this old farmhouse shared girls room in my mind for years now. It’s taken awhile for the girls to be at an age where them sharing and sleeping in the same room makes sense.
I have to say this makes my heart so happy. I had so much fun thinking about this space. It was fun leaning into more feminine and boho elements than I usually get to. Plus playing with colors I don’t use in the rest of the house.
There are some things that I think helped me design this space. I will share those below and hopefully they can help you if you are also looking to design a shared space. Or maybe you can just get some inspiration for a room in your own home.

Focal Point
As with most spaces you want to think about what the focal point is. You do not want it to feel like everything is competing for attention.
In this room I wanted the focal point to primarily be their beds, but it basically ended up being that side of the room that the headboards are on. Since the first thing you see before even entering the room is the window with the plants hanging in front of it.
This window with the plants ended up being its own moment. I picked out these boho curtains that bring out the yellow in both quilts. The fringe is so fun, and I made this little garland and draped it between the hanging pots.

I still think that the beds stand out the most since they are each painted a fun color. The bedding is also full of color.
These metal bed frames were actually from my husband’s great grandmother’s home I believe. This makes them even more special. We have had them for years so it’s so nice to put them both to use. The curves of the bed frames are perfect in here.

I really leaned into the curves in this room, I like how subtly femine all the curves in the furniture feel. I was able to get the one wardrobe off of marketplace, and then the other one kind of found me through a family friend. The only thing I changed was the hardware to match each other so they seem like sisters of each other.

Picking a Broad Theme or Style to Make More Cohesive
Another suggestion when trying to design a space for more than one person/personality is to try to pick something broad to work those different preferences into. For our girls I tried to stick to the theme of nature and make it a more boho style.
This worked really well for our one daughter who is very into pink. I was able to paint her bed this pretty almost mauve color that I mixed with remnants we had on hand. I brought the nature theme in along with the love of pink with the rainbow quilt. Her sheets are also pink of course.

My other daughter likes pink but seems more into orange and yellows so I painted her bed frame a golden yellow. Then again to bring that nature element in her quilt has a sun with the rays in a metallic thread and hills underneath in different colors.
I think this theme will grow with them well, and will last for years to come which is really nice. It’s simple and sweet and I really love walking into this room.
Ask For Input
I wanted the girls to like their room so I made sure to ask for some input. When picking out their quilts I made sure to show them and get their opinion before ordering them. The youngest is two so she didn’t really have much to say about the room, but she was excited about the quilt so I figured that was a win.
The oldest made sure that I was going to be including pinks. So I made sure to add pinks where I could in the bedding and on the bed. She also seemed pretty excited about the rainbow quilt so that made that easy.
I think there may be a point where you can get too much input. I didn’t ask them about the wall color for instance because I knew I wanted to keep them neutral and light because it is a small room and because we are known to change rooms around. I’m always trying to make things work the best they can for our family and sometimes that means big room swaps. So all that to say ask for input on one or two things you are flexible on.
Future Projects For This Room
At some point when the girls are a little older we will add some wood flooring. I’m thinking a lighter tone wood floor. There was carpet in here originally that was way past its prime. Ripping that carpet out and painting the subfloor was the best we could do at the time.
The girls aren’t quite to the point where they respect and take care of their room so I’m not in a rush to pay for new flooring in here. Whenever it is time to put wood floors in it will be so nice though.
Before we add wood flooring, there’s a big project we want to tackle. The closets in here do not function well. As you can see below there’s one door and the closet goes all the way to the wall (it’s the same on both sides) so it’s really hard to access most of the closet if you put anything in here. Also the girls could use more space on this end of the room.

At some point we plan on taking these walls out completely. Their wardrobes act like closets, and we need the space more than awkward closets.
A smaller project is changing out this hollow door that between the kids and cats it has been destroyed. The rest of our house has solid wood doors, so I’ve been wanting to change this one to match anyways. I also might paint the trim just to add some interest, I don’t know we will see.
Also refinishing the chests at the ends of their beds at some point. They both were passed down from family members and so I would love for them to be freshened up. I really do like the wood, but not sure how to fix the veneer to match what is already there. We will see, that’s a problem for a different day.
Stay Tuned
As always there are lots of projects going on on the homestead. I’m currently working on making half of our mudroom into more of a pantry. We’ve also started putting a garage space in our barn so that when I take over the garage for my projects this winter my husband has a spot to store his car and work on our other cars when needed. So stay tuned to see what we have been working on.

Thank you for visiting our farmhouse. If you would like to learn more about designing your own space find my mini ebook full of design tips here. I have some diy projects you can check out here. If you are more into the design boards and the design process you can find those here.