This is not going to be the prettiest post with the best pictures, but I’ve been daydreaming a lot about spring lately. With the snow lingering around I’ve found myself thinking a lot about what to do with our perennial garden plans this year. Specifically the ones closer to the house. They aren’t terrible, but they seem a little mismatched and all over the place. Not very well thought out. I want to make a perennial garden plan that makes more sense and will be a little more cohesive.
Our Current Garden Plan:

My husband has also requested that I make my garden bed in the bottom left corner bigger. I guess he does not like mowing that little patch of grass. So twist my arm, I guess I’ll go ahead and make my garden bigger. The little bed of day lilies and irises to the right of that bed does seem a little awkward there on its own.

The lilies and irises were there when we moved in as well as most of what’s here. I put in the first raised bed next to the sidewalk two years ago when I was pregnant with our youngest. The second raised bed I put in last summer while our youngest napped close by. My mom came up with the idea to do that second bed and bend cattle panels to make arches. I really loved this idea, and love it even more now. Here’s a current picture of what it looks like with our Christmas lights still on there because it’s too cold to take them down.

Also yes that is another raised bed that I didn’t have room to show in the first couple of images. I put this bed in last year at the end of the summer/early fall for our thornless raspberries and blackberries. I hope they made it through the winter ok and that they do well there this year.
So far I’m really happy with these two rectangular beds I put in. I just wish that they had a flag stone path through. That would be the cherry on top. I started to put one in last summer, but quickly realized it’s a lot of work. Luckily our property came with a pile of pretty flat rocks we can put to use. I just need to make it happen.
2021 Perennial Garden Plan:

Here’s my perennial garden plan for this year. As always I find it is so helpful to draw these things out. It makes it way more obvious to me what is off and needs to be changed. Plus it’s way easier to change something on the computer than to be digging up things and moving them over and over.
First off I want to connect that inside corner bed to that small little outside corner bed. I’m hoping I can take some lilies and irises from other random spots in our yard to fill in that newly enlarged bed. I also want to throw some in the other bed on the other side of the sidewalk to help it be more cohesive.
There’s currently peonies that are in that top left bed and there’s some scattered around the yard. I want to take what I have and spread it out some more in the bed they are in. Also I want to add them to that now larger corner bed. I’m hoping to make things look a little more wild and filled in. I know it will take some time for the filling in to happen. Mainly I just don’t want random patches of flowers. I want a nice mix of all the pretty flowers.
There are a couple of hydrangeas that I planted out front that don’t seem to be so happy there. I think maybe they aren’t getting enough sun on that side of the house. So I think I’ll move those into this larger bed. It will take some time for those to fill in, they are fairly small. Once they do it is going to be so beautiful though. I love hydrangeas.
Fairy Garden Plans
I also love fairy gardens, I love the fun and whimsy they add to our flower beds. There’s an old round metal tub with a little fairy garden in each bed on either side of the sidewalk currently. I did those fairy gardens a few years ago. I might add another one just because I like to do odd numbers (and fairy gardens haha). We will see.
Here’s a couple of the fairy gardens I did. The left one is in one of the flower beds now. There’s another one in a bucket similar to that left one on the other side. This fairy garden on the right might wander into the bigger bed. I don’t get to enjoy it as much where it is. Of course it looks a little different these days since my son really likes to play with them.

Herb Garden Plans
I’ve also been wanting a spot for some herbs, I think the front of this new big bed will work well. I’m thinking chives, basil, chamomile, oregano, nastorteum. I think the purple flowers on the chives and the orange nasturtium flowers will look right at home with the orange day lilies and purple irises we already have going on. I cannot wait. I’m hoping they do well there. I hope it looks at least half as pretty as it does in my head.
I’m so excited for the warmer weather. I hope this helped inspire you to do some daydreaming on your own gardens or future gardens. Thanks for visiting our farmhouse!
If you are new here you might want to check out my post on how I built our simple flower box or our small budget conscious bathroom reno. If you are looking for help while designing your own interior space you can find information on my design your space ebook here.