I go through a list of things to consider when redoing kids rooms, and why you may want to keep these things in mind.
Mudroom Makeover-$175 Makeover
I share a before and after of our mudroom makeover and how we were able to stay under our budget on this room.
Mudroom Design Plans-Design Your Room
I go over my mudroom design plans for our space and list things you may want to consider when designing your own mudroom.
DIY Concrete Countertops Over Laminate
I go over step by step instructions on how to DIY concrete countertops over laminate. I also break down the cost and if I think it’s worth it.
Wood Working Shop Plan
Overall Wood Working Shop Plans I’m supposed to be focusing on finishing current projects since that is my big goal for this year. But I am so distracted by the wood working shop which is in complete disarray. This kind of effects everything, and would help in finishing those other projects. That’s at least what…
Kitchen Design- Design Your Dream Kitchen
For now I figured I can share my kitchen design, and hopefully that will help you in designing your own space. Our kitchen is so close to being done and I can not wait to share the final result. As I have said before my goal for this year is to finish projects we have already started. The kitchen is high on the list of projects to finish. We only have a few things left to do:
Perennial Garden Plans, Plan Your Garden
I share my daydreams about our perennial garden plans. Find some inspiration for your own garden this year.
DIY Flower Box-How to Build a Window Box
Learn how to make a simple DIY flower box that will add so much character and charm to your home. I share how I built ours step by step.
DIY Stair Railing Makeover
Learn how to do a quick and easy DIY stair railing makeover. Find step by step instructions, and a walk through of what we did in our own space.
Built In Daybed-Living Room Progress
So my new years goal/resolution for 2021 is to finish projects. We’ve got a good start on the living room, kitchen and guest room but they still aren’t done. Some of the spaces it’s bigger things like the ceiling, flooring and finishing walls. Other spaces like the living room it’s mostly trim and paint.